"I want to fly... Waiting for sunrise"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011




- Post by Hisayoshi Suganuma in DABA blog (2011年01月11日)


When you're in your twenties, experience lots of things and make lots of failures. Make it a twenties with no lingering regrets!

This is Hachi, who had nothing but failures in his twenties.
But I do not regret it (bitter laugh)

DABA is a seiyuu (anime voice actor/actress) unit formed by six seiyuus born in 1978. I used to read their blog pretty often because I like Fukuyama Jun. Anyway, I just wanted to put this post down here...

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I will be exactly in the middle of my twenties in six months' time. For the past couple of years, I've been changing... and when I thought I couldn't change anymore, I continued to change. Especially in the past year, I've started to see things that I didn't or couldn't see before. I wish to become a better person, more worthy of Him. I had been so arrogant in the past. I will never be so again. If I am able to walk in the sun, it will only be because He saved me.

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