"I want to fly... Waiting for sunrise"

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I've been feeling nostalgic these two days... I don't know why.

Maybe because I fell sick?

Did the feeling of fever trigger some switch in my brain?

Or is it the smell in the air? Or the fact that because I was sick, I wore long pants and a cardigan to keep warm in the house...

Or maybe because it's the rainy season

I really don't know why...

I tried to think, what is it that I feel nostalgic about....

My past? The school days? College? Junior college? Secondary school? Even earlier?

Or Europe? Japan? America?

Or my past life?

What happened?

The television dramas that I watched before?

The life I led, the people I knew?

What is it...

Ah, but I wish... when all this is over... When all is well...

I wish to go out again... watch a movie, have tea and cakes with a friend... go shopping for nice dresses... feel the sun on my back...

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